Monday, December 8, 2014


 Triple Neon top and bottom from Beeyinalicious

H0les glasses kaleidoscope effect YO!!!!

Daniel Palillo

random style shot!!! 

DAMAGE, a designer label from Taiwan. They are power

Sasu Kauppi hat!!!! 

Dots till the end kinda style

Nobody understands style anymore. Well, keep laughing and insulting. It keeps me stronger!!!


  1. Very rad look!

  2. ALL of these fashion looks are FABULOUS! I love them!
    I also love the video! :D
    I also love your sentiment 'keep laughing and insulting'!
    I hope you will visit my blog, YouTube and Twitter and feel free to laugh and insult me in your comments on them!

    My women's underwear fashion blog Full Brief Panties (with free photos of me in panties)
    My YouTube (misterpantybuns's channel) women's panty try-on and review videos
    My Twitter @Panty_Buns
